MMSU and PCC conduct an Advocacy Campaign on Competition Laws and Policies

Written by Administrator on 26 July 2024

To create awareness and capacitate various stakeholders with the necessary knowledge and skills in identifying the benefits of market competition, the Philippine Competition Commission’s role in implementing the Philippine Competition Act (PCA) and National Competition Policy, prohibited business behavior, and enhance collaboration between and among stakeholders, the first run of an orientation-seminar on the PCA and National Competition Policy was conducted on July 23, 2024, at the MMSU Hostel.  

The activity was participated by 60 representatives of the Provincial Treasurer’s Office, Ilocos Norte Trade and Investment Promotions Center, Municipal Treasurers and Business Permits and Licensing Officers, and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, including selected faculty, staff, and students of the University.  

The activity was a joint effort between the Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) and the PCC Knowledge Management Office through its Capacity Building and Advocacy Division (CKMO-CBAD).  This is an offshoot of the trainer's training on the orientation of Competition Local Advocacy Network (CLAN) which was attended by four faculty and staff of the University, in November 2023.

Vice President for Research, Development, and Innovation of MMSU, Dr. Nathaniel R. Alibuyog expressed his gratitude to PCC for sharing their knowledge to create a vibrant and competitive economy.  He expressed his high hopes that the participants will actively participate, remain engaged, open to new ideas, and create an open space for collaboration.  

On the other hand, the Executive Director of the Philippine Competition Commission, Dr. Kenneth V. Tanate welcomed the participants to the training. He expressed his gratitude to the Champions of Competition-Competition Local Advocacy Network or CLAN Project, for conducting the newest collaboration competition advocacy initiative of PCC involving SUCs.   He informed the group that over the years, the PCC has embarked on several capacity-building and advocacy activities for various stakeholders aimed at amplifying the government efforts in ensuring that businesses of different sizes- from micro to small, medium, and large, while consumers benefit from the country’s economic growth.  He recalled that the CLAN project trained teams from selected state universities nationwide.  He added that the participants are the CLAN partners in increasing awareness about Republic Act 10667 or the Philippine Competition Act among key stakeholders from the public and private sectors in their respective localities.  

Dr. Tanate further expressed his hopes that, with the collaboration, the PCC and MMSU will champion fair market competition through various capacity-building activities.  He also expressed his hope to the business sector, that the knowledge they will gain from the orientation seminar will enable them to make their products, systems, transactions, and services, pro-competition and will apprise them to avoid entering anti-competitive agreements and practices which the PCA prohibits and penalizes.  According to him, the initiative is the PCCs response to the call for a whole-of-government approach in adopting and implementing the National Competition Policy across all levels of the government.

Prof. Orlino J. Mandac of the College of Business, Economics, and Accountancy (CBEA) discussed the topic of Market Competition and its Benefits while Atty. Cheska Arla Agrupis, executive assistant, office of the University President, discussed the topics of The Philippine Competition Act and the Role of the PCC, and Mainstreaming the National Competition Policy.  

MMSU President, Dr. Shirley C. Agrupis, congratulated the MMSU-Extension Directorate and PCC for conducting the activity. Dr.  Agrupis reiterated the support of MMSU in this initiative.  “With our partnership, we will be able to assist business entities with equal rights, relay, disseminate, and empower various stakeholders for inclusive business, and help improve products and services that will ensure economic growth,” she said.  “May we continue to see you face to face in our future undertakings,” she added.

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